Our Vision
Future goals
our contribution towards global solutions
Our vision includes contributing towards global solutions for renewable energy, securing adequate potable water and food security. One example is working with BRICS nations and helping them achieve energy goals in advance of their targets. One river in Russia has the potential of 20GW of energy, and the ability to be operational all year round (currently the river freezes). We will work with existing market players by offering our technologies to them via a licensing agreement or collaboration.
Business Expansion
We will create six dedicated teams which will perform various roles. These include Technical Advisory, Community and social responsibility, HR and Project Planning, IPR and Licensing, Business Expansion, and Events and marketing. We plan to recruit 30 new staff to join the existing Team and retain five external experts to guide the processes and peer review our work.
We plan to recruit a CEO to oversee daily operations and ensure the company achieves its objectives. Each team is headed by an existing member of the team, who have created autonomous action plans for their sector. We will adapt to the needs of achieving the goals established by the founders.
The founders will continue to raise awareness of the company’s mission and vision statements and propagate the same in their activities. They will continue to explore high-level discussions at the International level and other opportunities for the company.
Detailed research papers and scientific data will be published by the technical advisory team to the scientific community, demonstrating the various efficiencies of our technologies.
50MW Hydropower Potential
In Mauritius, there is potential for up to 50MW of small hydropower plants across the river and canal networks. In addition, there is potential to upgrade existing HPP’s with the latest state of the art technology. This will increase and improve the current Hydropower output in Mauritius.
With the current Government RE roadmap, which our technology is included, there is a need for additional new energy generation projects. This will replace the current Bagasse and Coal facilities which will be phased out by 2030.
Additional IPR will be offered by Tomislav Tesla as the company completes its objectives
Our multi-disciplined team will carefully
investigate the role of electricity, and its impact
on communities.
inbound workshops
Client Acquisition
We plan to host several inbound innovation workshops aimed at African entrepreneurs and Public sector delegates, where we will be proposing various technological solutions and licensing opportunities. Dedicated teams will create multiple aspects of the business to be ready to enter the market in 2025. Together with TTT, Public-private partnerships can be formed to best address the needs of individual nations.
With three technologies, the company plans to gear up and prepare to enter the African market in 2025. We will create a business licensing model that will be introduced across Africa and beyond. Over the coming years, we will forge links with various players in the market and create initiatives to export Mauritian technologies. We plan to enhance our relationship with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNDP, and the University of Mauritius to reach the African public sector markets. We seek a suitable strategic partner in the private sector who can provide market insights, collaborations, and potential partnerships in existing markets.
We have anticipated three new energy clients (1.5MW) in Mauritius (2023/4) and created a blueprint for expanding hydropower on the River Tamarin to 5 MW. We will continue to promote our technology locally via workshops, where we anticipate 3-4 clients annually. Once our systems are live, we will proactively contact other potential clients. We have built an extensive list of potential clients and interested parties, which we will exploit over the coming years.